Laurence Philomene - Blog
Posts tagged with exhibition
September updates
2020-10-01 00:27:50 UTCHi hi! It’s been a busy month over here, I’ve been working on a project for the city of Montreal in collaboration with Massivart which I will share shortly but for now, here are a few exhibition & press updates ~ First up, here are some installation views of my…
Exhibition updates
2020-03-10 17:31:00 UTCHi! I have some work on display as part of “New Visions” at Fotografiska Museum NY in collaboration with Vice - the exhibit is open from March 13 to June 28 in New York. Link here for more info : You can read an article about the exhibition written…
Me vs Others : the short film
2018-11-29 00:22:02 UTCTo go along with my solo exhibition of the same title, Arizona O’Neill and I collaborated on a short film this fall, which we premiered at the exhibition and today it has premiered online on Adolescent. You can view it here, along with some words by myself & Arizona on…
Me vs Others at The Letter Bet
2018-11-18 00:18:00 UTCHere are a few images from my installation “me vs others” at The Letter Bet- the exhibition is on view until November 27 in Montreal! You can also purchase the exhibition artwork on the Letter Bet’s website here: I’ve also made a playlist for the exhibition which you can…
Exhibition details
2018-11-02 00:01:38 UTCHi! My solo exhibition at The Letter Bet in Montreal is coming up in just a week! The opening night is November 8, from 6 to 9 pm, with a special showing of the short film I’ve co-directed with Arizona O’Neill at 7 pm. Hope to see you there if…
Boys will be Boys at Junior High
2018-10-24 01:43:30 UTCLucky’s butt & satin, 2017 - the day after my solo show opens, this amazing group show I have work in also opens in LA at @juniorhighla curated by @irrisrray 💖 event link & info below: — “Boys Will Be Boys” is a photography group show that tells stories…
exhibition announcement
2018-10-12 04:14:49 UTCJust stopping by to announce my upcoming solo show at The Letter Bet, in which I will be showing a selection of new works from my series “me vs others”. The show will run from November 8 - 27, more details coming soon.
This one is titled “missed connection”…
september updates
2018-09-29 20:12:55 UTCHi! A quick update to say what’s been going on this month ~ First up, I have some work in the third edition of the Boys! Boys! Boys! auction on Paddle8 in collaboration with The Little Black Gallery, you can view that here (only 2 days left to bid!)…
exhbition in poland!
2018-05-31 01:56:20 UTCHi all! I’ve got so much new work coming out this month (or next month I guess; june) but first I thought I’d share this exhibition I currently have in Cracow, Poland. The exhibition is titled “no boys, no girls, no nothin” (which comes from a tattoo in a picture…
March recap
2018-04-05 21:53:45 UTCIt’s been a busy month over here!!! The cold Montreal forces me into hibernation still but this past month I’ve reached a lot of milestones I never thought I’d reach - now onto bigger dreams!! My biggest project this month was a music video I directed, shot & conceptualized for…
It is what it is - official documentation
2018-02-05 21:10:06 UTCGot some official documentation photos from Xpace Cultural Centre of mine & Starchild Stela’s installation “it is what it is” (Jan 12-Feb 10 : Documentation photos by Yuula Benivolski. This is one of my favorite projects I’ve ever worked on so very happy to have these photos to remember…
It is what it is
2018-01-16 23:28:20 UTCMy friend Starchild Stela & I had the pleasure of being invited to do an installation at Xpace for the month of January/February, which will be up until February 10 ~ For this project, we combined both of our non-binary portraits series and we wanted to present these works in…
2018-01-06 01:53:22 UTCthe most beautiful light I saw all year, gems’ room, june 2017 self portrait on christmas morning, december 2017
right now I’m in my yearly hibernation period but preparing a very special show with starchild stela at Xpace in Toronto which opens next friday, you can see the event here…
Wooly mag
2017-08-03 17:47:42 UTCHi! I had some work in the most recent issue of Wooly magazine in Japan and they were super kind to organize an exhibition of my work in Tokyo as well so I thought I’d post a few photos they sent me of the exhibition set up!
xo Laurence
What Does Our Future Hold + more
2017-07-09 01:49:13 UTCOk so this post is LONG overdue…7 months overdue to be exact. But here it is finally, some pictures from the exhibition & tarot deck I helped co-curate with The Coven, Polyester Zine and Isabella Podpadec of Dream Wife in London in January. You can see more about the project…
Month of Photography Los Angeles
2017-02-01 21:40:00 UTCHi! Just wanted to post an update to say I have some work in the Instagram Jam exhibition at Month of Photography Los Angeles starting tomorrow (february 2nd). To anyone in LA, please go check it out for me <3 You can read more about the event here : …
Freer in Berlin
2016-10-05 23:59:00 UTCI’ve got some work in curated by girl’s first show “FREER IN BERLIN” coming up in a few days! You can rsvp to the even here :) if any of you go, please take photos for me! and here’s some press about the exhibition:…
We, “Other”
2016-03-19 20:14:00 UTCI recently had some work up at POPOP gallery as part of Art Matters, I included some objects/installation aspects along with my prints which felt like a real turning point for me in terms of how I want to present my work. Here’s a little blurb about the show and…