Laurence Philomene - Blog

Posts tagged with rachel-louise-hodgson

  1. December update

    2016-12-06 08:07:00 UTC

    Hi! Just thought I’d make a blog post with some updates from the last week or so First off, the third instalment of my interview series for is up, with my good friend & one of my favorite artists Brie Moreno aka boogerbrie - you can check that out…

  2. Interview with Rachel

    2016-11-14 18:58:00 UTC

    Hi!! I’ve got lots of stuff coming up this week!! First up is the second instalment of my artist interview series on Adolescent. This time, I interviewed my friend Rachel Louise Hodgson, who was visiting from Brighton (UK) last month!! We talked about colours, instagram, and basically just had a…

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